
作文大全 2022-03-20春节作文



1. 用GPA成绩来补足

,在出国留学提交申请时,考生的GRE成绩和平均学分绩点GPA(Grade Point Average)会被统一看成academic index也就是学术指数,通称AI。每一位申请者的AI都是申请表格中比较重要的组成部分。AI方面的数据自然是越高越好,而如果你的GRE成绩不理想,那么一份足够优秀的GPA成绩可能会为你弥补这个缺点。所以如果你的GRE分数比较低,自己又没有时间或者不想再刷分,那么尽可能提升一下GPA会是个很好的方法,具体如何提升大家可以在课程选择、课堂活动和些额外学术研究等方面想办法。总而言之,如果考生能够用足够好的GPA来冲淡GRE低分带来的负面评价,那么就不会给申请带来影响。

2. 参加专业能力考试

和上面这个方式比较相似,GRE成绩一定程度上代表了考生的学术能力,如果考生担心GRE分数太低会影响自己在专业能力方面受到的评价,那么通过参加专业能力考试的方式来证明自己的学术能力就是很好的补偿手段了。比如GRE考试本身有一个专业则是GRE subject test。这个考试包含了8大专业分类,其成绩对于证明考生的学术能力和专业能力是很有帮助的。大家如果GRE分数不佳,但有一份专业对口且比较理想的GRE sbject test分数,那么在申请中就不用太担心GRE低分了。

3. 强有力的推荐信


4. 通过课外活动来证明能力


5. GRE成绩拆分申请

这种方法是在GRE分数本身做文章。GRE考试成绩可以用来申请的学校专业很广,分数适用性比较高。而不同的学校专业对于GRE成绩的具体要求其实也是有比较明显的差异的,许多学校更关注的不是GRE总分而是语文、数学甚至作文的单科成绩。考生完全可以扬长避短,在单科成绩上面做做文章。比如,你申请的是文学类(liberal arts)类专业,而GRE分数中也是语文成绩更好,那么你完全可以把GRE语文VERBAL部分的分数更加凸显出来,学校对于你GRE数学分数略低其实并不会太过在意;而如果考生申请的是STEM,也就是科学(Science),技术(Technology),工程(Engineering),数学(Mathematics)等专业,那么突出一下自己的GRE数学QUANT分数其实也能让偏低的语文VERBAL分数变得不那么要紧。总而言之,根据不同学校的具体要求和专业偏向性,大家也可以顺利避开GRE分数偏低这个影响申请的不利因素。





Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following reading passage.

Scholarship on political newspapers and their editors is dominated by the view that as the United States grew, the increasing influence of the press led, ultimately, to the neutral reporting from which we benefit today. Pasley considers this view oversimplified, because neutrality was not a goal of early national newspaper editing, even when editors disingenuously stated that they aid to tell all sides of a story. Rather, the intensely partisan ideolies represented in newspapers of the early republic led to a clear demarcation between traditional and republican values. The editors responsible for the papers' content ―especially those with republican agendas ―began to see themselves as central figures in the developnt of political consciousness in the United States.

10. In the context in which it appears, "disingenuously" most nearly ans

A. insincerely

B. guilelessly

C. obliquely

D. resolutely

E. pertinaciously





更为重要的是,从新老GRE的官方备考指导来看,GRE阅读考察共有13项能力,首当其冲的就是“understanding the aning of individual words.” 显然,词汇量,是阅读理解的基础。经过研究新GRE的官方备考指导中的阅读文章可以得出结论,新GRE阅读中的词汇难度有了明显的上升,这种上升是由于老GRE中的类反单词进入文章和题目引起的。以下例子中可以反映出该结论。


“a person who agrees to serve as diator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later. To take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham.”


类比intercessor: diate= translator: interpret

consensus: factionalism=expedition:foot-dragging

反义faction <> unity

factional <> ecunical

factious <> cooperative

debunk <> perpetuate to sham

sham <> genuine



“Was Felix Mendelssohn(1809-1847) a great poser? On its face, the question seems absurd. One of the most gifted prodigies in the history of music, he produced his first masterpiece at sixteen. From then on, he was reized as an artist of preternatural abilities, not only as a poser but also as a pianist and conductor. But Mendelssohn’s enduring popularity has often been at odds—sotis quite sharply—with his critical standing. Despite general acknowledgent of his genius, there has been a noticeable reluctance to rank him with, say, Schumann or Brahms. As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a poser, was a “minor master…working on a small scale of emotion and texture.”


类比prodigy: person= miracle: ourrence

反义preternatural <> ordinary/prosaic


1. 结论-解释型(也叫论点-解释型)

是“结论-解释型”文章。这类文章在开始有一个判断句,一般是文章的结论,也是文章的主题。这个判断句的谓语部分通常包含系动词(is, remain, prove, turn out, appear等)或情态动词(can, may, should, must等),而且含有表示态度的词汇(如形容词等)。例如,

Because of its auracy in outlining the Earth's subsurface, the seismic-reflection thod remains the most important tool in the search for petroleum reserves. In field practice, a subsurface is mapped by arranging a series of wave-train sources, such as small dynamite explosions, in a grid pattern…

文章首句指出“由于‘地震反射法’(sr)在勾划地球的地下层面这方面的准确性,该方法一直是探寻石油储备的最重要的工具。”这是一个判断句,为结论。其中remains为系动词,而most important为态度词,表示作者对“地震反射法”持非常正面的评价。后文应解释“地震反射法”的具体过程。 第二句话对解释进行总的说明“在实地作业中,通过将一系列波列源,诸如小规模炸药爆炸,排列成一个网格模式,从而将地下层面标绘出来。”接下来是“地震反射法”的详细过程。

2. 新老观点对比型

GRE阅读文章的第二种常见结构是“新老观点对比型”。 这类文章在开始提出老观点,然后提出新观点并进行论述。通常新观点是文章的主题。老观点出现的标志词有

1. 传统观点 has been, traditionally, until recently等

2. 大众观点frequently, widely, many等

新观点出现的标志词有however, recently, now等。


Traditionally, pollination by wind has been viewed as a reproductive process marked by random events in which the vagaries of the wind are pensated for by the generation of vast quantities of pollen, so that the ultimate production of new seeds is assured at the expense of producing much more pollen than is actually used.

However, a number of features that are characteristic of wind-pollinated plants reduce pollen waste…



3. 现象解释型(包含问题-解决方案型)

GRE阅读文章的第三种常见结构是“现象解释型”。文章开始提出一个现象,然后解释现象。解释是主题。有多个解释时,作者一般对前面的解释持负面评价,对的解释持正面评价。提出现象时的标志词有phenonon, fact; problem, difficulty, puzzle, question等。例如,

What causes a helix in nature to appear with either a dextral ("right-handed,"or clockwise) twist or a sinistral ("left-handed," or counterclockwise') twist is one of the most intriguing puzzles in the science of form…What chanisms, control handedness and keep left-handedness rare?

It would seem unlikely that evolution should discriminate against sinistral snails if sinistral and dextral snails are exact mirror images, for any disadvantage that a sinistral twist in itself could confer on its possessor is almost inconceivable. But left- and right-handed snails are not actually true mirror images of one another…

But this evolutionary chanism bining dissymtry, anatomy, and chance does not provide an adequate explanation of why right-handedness should have bee predominant…

Here, the evolutionary theory must defer to a theory based on an explicit developntal chanism that can favor either right- or left-handedness…Thus, the path to a solution to the puzzle of handedness in all snails appears to be as twisted as the helix itself。





上文在第一段提出一个问题“究竟是一些什么样的机制控制着旋转方向,并使左旋的比例为数稀少呢??”这个问题就是一个现象螺旋体中左旋的比例少。有问题就有解答,有现象就有解释。第二段从进化论的角度解释这一现象。,GRE阅读文章中一般对进化论的解释持负面评价,所以需要寻找新的解释。第三段否定了进化论的解释。在末段,作者以发育机制(developntal chanism)解释“为何左旋少、右旋多”。


1. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) describing an important technique

(B) discussing a new thod

(C) investigating a controversial procedure

(D) announcing a significant discovery

(E) promoting a novel application


2. Which of the following best describes the anization of the passage?

(A) A thod is criticized, and an alternative is suggested

(B) An illustration is examined, and so errors are exposed

(C) An assertion is made, and a procedure is outlined

(D) A series of examples is presented, and a conclusion is drawn

(E) A hypothesis is advanced, and supporting evidence is supplied



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