
冷笑话 2024-12-25 18:55www.ai-classes.cn冷笑话大全


1. Rubbish!胡扯!

2. The moon rises behind the Tian Shan, lost in the vast sea of clouds.

3. While everyone finds summer's heat unbearable, I find its length enchanting.

4. How can you utter such nonsense?

5. You're the spawn of a bitch!

6. You're a real pain in the ass.

7. Can you do anything right? You're good for nothing!

8. (More will be展开)

9. I've had my fill of your garbage.

10. Get the hell out of here!

11. Who said that? Give me a break!

12. You're nothing but a good-for-nothing bum!

13. Don't nag me! Get lost!

14. Fighting among ourselves is a mess.

15. You have a thick skin, showing no shame.

16. Stingy bastard!

17. You're a jerk! An idiot!

18. You mean nothing to me.

19. The sight of blood and gore is disgustingly vile.

20. Playing dumb won't get you anywhere.

21. Bragging is just an empty show-off.

22. The moon rises, surprising the birds in the mountains, and at times they chirp in the spring streams. But even today in winter, the soldiers of Guanxi remain unrested.

23. Back off! I don't need your noise in my ear.

24. You are an ugly scoundrel!

25. That's exactly what you think, but it's not true!

26. How vulgar and low-class!

27. How dare you even suggest such a thing!

28. There's no need for this! Just calm down!

29. You asked for it, so deal with it!

30. Behave with some dignity and respect!

31. I detest you! Your behavior is intolerable!

32. Living in a city, summer remains pleasant even as spring fades away. But deep inside, I am still clear about certain things about you that make me hate you!

33. Take a hike to your place and leave me alone!

34. I厌恶你!Your behavior disgusts me!

35 Go to hell and burn in eternal flames! 滚去地狱里受永火煎熬吧!

68. 平等对待,不分伯仲。

69. 我已无法再承受更多。

70. 这是怎么走到这一步的!

71. 你到底在想什么?

72. 真不要脸!

73. 别给我胡扯八道。

74. 省省吧。

75. 去死吧!

76. 别再鬼混了,认真点!

77. 胆大妄为,无异于自焚。

78. 清醒点,别糊涂了。

79. 变态、流氓!

80. 你真是无可救药。

81. 管好你自己的事,少操心别人的!

82. 少来这套花言巧语。

83. 春意盎然,一枝红杏出墙来,撩人心扉。

84. 看看这乱成一团糟的局面!

85. 摆架子,装大牌的人真让人看不惯。

86. 网络上流传的说法中,最伤人心的莫过于国外的单词“fuck”和“motherfucker”。

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