1、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。高乃依 When love is satisfied, others also eases up. 2、没有表现出来的爱是神圣的。泰戈尔 Don't show it love is sacred. 3、爱得匆忙,散得也快。...
1、默认自己无能,无疑是给失败制造机会。 By default, we are incapable of creating opportunities for failure. 2、创新是科学房屋的性命力。 Innovation is the life force of scientific housing. 3、独创常常在于...
1、Never say never, all things are possible。永远别说永远,凡事都有可能。 2、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud。博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。 3、falling in love with a town,it is probably be...
1、兴趣是成功最好的老师,就因为小时候画画,我才有兴趣成为漫画家。 Interest is the best teacher for success, because I was interested in becoming a cartoonist because I was painting when I was young. 2、很多事...
1、灵魂如果没有确定的目标,它就会丧失自己,因为俗语说得好,到处在等于无处在,四处为家的人无处为家。 If the soul has no definite goal, it will lose itself, because as the saying goes, everywhe...
1、当机会来临时,你已经准备好了。 When opportunity comes, you are ready. 2、勤劳的人会有各种幸运,懒惰的人则只有一种不幸。 Diligent people will have all kinds of luck, lazy people only have one kind o...
1、真正的成功者不是其得到了多少,而是在于其付出了多少。 The real winner is not how much he gets, but how much he pays. 2、种下一种个性,收获一种命运。 Plant a character and harvest a destiny. 3、商业...
1、毒品,一个有着美丽外衣的无形杀手,靠近了只有死! Narcotics, an invisible killer with beautiful cloak, is close to death. 2、开展禁毒宣传,增强全民禁毒意识。 We should carry out anti drug propagan...
1、我最怕最怕烟雾蒙蒙,看不清看不清你的面容。 I am most afraid of being afraid of smog. I can't see clearly. 2、香烟是魔鬼的契约。 Cigarettes are the devil's contract. 3、现在吞云吐雾,以后病痛缠身...
1、人人节约一粒米,拯救世间千万人。 Everyone saves a grain of rice and saves millions of people in the world. 2、倒下的是剩饭,流走的是血汗。 What's left is leftovers, and it's sweat and sweat. 3、一粥一饭...
1、一切节约,归根到底都是时间的节约。 All saving is, in the final analysis, time saving. 2、节约就是大收成。 Frugality is a great harvest. 3、节俭是天然的财富,奢侈是人为的贫困。 Thrift is natur...
1、给事物赋予什么样的价值,人们就有什么样的行动。 What kind of action is given to the value of things? 2、要纠正别人之前,先反省自己有没有犯错。 Before correcting others, reflect on whether or not...
1、拥有逆境,便拥有一次创造奇迹的机会。 If you have adversity, you will have a chance to create miracles. 2、能使我们感觉快乐的,不是环境,而是态度。 What makes us feel happy is not the environment, b...
1、绝对不要做你的敌人希望你做的事情,原因很简单,因为敌人希望你这样做。 Never do what your enemy wants you to do. The reason is simple, because the enemy wants you to do it. 2、任何事物都不及伟大那...
1、简单就是真理,简单就是聪明,简单是厚积薄发的力量。学会了简单,其实真不简单。 Simplicity is truth, simplicity is intelligence, simplicity is the power to accumulate. Learning to be simple is really n...
1、简单的事情考虑得很复杂,可以发现新领域,把复杂的现象看得很简单,可以发现新规律。 Simple things can be considered very complex, new fields can be found, complex phenomena can be seen very simply, a...