1、成果长在很高的树上,只有跳起来去争取才能摘到。 The fruit grows on a very high tree and can only be picked by jumping up and fighting for it. 2、没有坚定不移的信心,任何行动都会失败。 Without un...
1、知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出的光泽。 Knowledge is the crystallization of precious gemstones and culture is the luster of gemstones. 2、信仰,是人们所必须的,什么也不信的人不会有幸福。...
1、我们就是要证明给别人看,证明错误的婚姻是可以扭转的。徐志摩 We just want to prove to others that the wrong marriage can be reversed. 2、自从经历过那些以后,你都没怎么笑过。许嵩 You haven'...
1、行一件好事,心中泰然;行一件歹事,衾影抱愧。 Do a good deed, calm in heart; do a bad deed, shame. 2、礼义生于富足,盗窃起于贫穷。 Righteousness is born of wealth, and theft of poverty. 3、没有礼貌...
1、宇宙的伟大建筑是现在开始以纯数学家的面目出现了。 The great buildings of the universe are now beginning to appear as pure mathematicians. 2、突然感觉数学和我相距很遥远,语文是我的太阳,英语是...
1、全盛时期的朋友无价值。亨利亚当斯 Friends in their heyday are worthless. 2、物竞天择,适者生存。赫胥黎 Natural selection is the survival of the fittest. 3、成功,从失败的土壤中顽强生出。德国...
1、一步一步地走,这是唯一的成功之路。乔丹 Step by step, this is the only way to success. 2、我从不惧怕任何对手,只怕对手不够强大。乔丹 I'm never afraid of any opponent, just afraid that the opponent...
1、我过你就像过清晨的马路,等下我要在这里绝杀你,认住了,是这里。拉里伯德 I cross you like a road in the morning. I'm going to kill you here. I recognize it. It's here. 2、一名伟大的球星最突出的...
1、无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。 Don't give up anyway. Always believe that your dream can be realized and strive for it. 2、NBA,地心引力不再有。 In the NBA...
1、如果谁说笔杆子比枪杆子更犀利的话,那他肯定没遭遇过全自动武器。 If anyone says the pen is sharper than the gun, he certainly has not encountered automatic weapons. 2、老兵永不死,只是渐凋零。 T...
1、只有不去议论别人,别人才不会议论你。 No one will talk about you unless you talk about others. 2、废除黑奴制度虽然不是那么容易,但追求爱情更难! The abolition of slavery is not so easy, but the p...
1、太阳依然升起,明天依旧灿烂。 The sun is still rising, and tomorrow is still brilliant. 2、失败的是事,绝不应是人。 Failure is nothing but a human being. 3、成功之秘诀,在始终不变其目的。 The se...
1、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry。没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 2、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today 。...
1、如果努力了,梦想就会实现。 If you work hard, your dream will come true. 2、比赛场上总有一个要赢,那个人为什么不能是我呢? There is always a winner on the field. Why can't that person be me? 3、在你想...
1、我能接受失败,但无法接受放弃。 I can accept failure, but I cannot accept giving up. 2、即便是这样,我依然可以用一只手打球。 Even so, I can still play with one hand. 3、即使全世界都抛弃了我,至...
1、真理只有一个,它不在宗教中,而是在科学中。 There is only one truth. It is not in religion, but in science. 2、没有疑问,哲学与科学在许多方面是互相促进的。 There is no doubt that philosophy and...