1、两个人如果读过同一本书,他们之间就有了一条纽带。 If two people have read the same book, there is a link between them. 2、如果你遇到一个具有才华的人,应当问他读的是什么书。 If you meet a...
1、人们总是对陌生人很宽容,对熟悉的人很挑剔。 People are always tolerant of strangers and critical of familiar people. 2、凡是能站在别人的角度为他人着想,这个就是慈悲。 It is compassion to stand...
1、坚决的信心,能使平凡的人们,做出惊人的事业。 Resolute confidence can enable ordinary people to make amazing career. 2、一个人是否有成就只有看他是否具有自尊心和自信心两个条件。 A person'...
1、人的愿望没有止境,人的力量用之不尽。 There is no end to man's wishes and his power is inexhaustible. 2、人需要理想,但是需要人的符合自然的理想,而不是超自然的理想。 People need ideals, bu...
1、要使一个人显示他的本质,叫他承担一种责任是最有效的办法。毛姆 To make the essence of a person shows that he called him a kind of responsibility is the most efficient way。 2、责任就是对别人和自己负...
1、书籍是青年人不可分离的生活伴侣和导师。 Books are indispensable life partners and mentors for young people. 2、立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。 It takes a lot of hard work to make up one's mind to thin...
1、我的人生哲学是工作,我要揭示大自然的奥妙,为人类造福。 My philosophy of life is work. I want to reveal the mystery of nature and benefit mankind. 2、教育之于人有如雕刻之于大理石。 Education is...
1、在所有批评家中,最伟大、最正确,最天才的是时间。 Of all the critics, the greatest, the most correct and the most talented is time. 2、我们要学会珍惜,珍惜青春,珍惜时间,珍惜现在拥有。 W...
1、生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄,至今思项羽,不肯过江东。 Life is a hero and death is a hero. So far, I have been thinking about it and refused to cross Jiangdong. 2、信念是鸟,它在黎明仍然黑暗之际,感觉到...
1、我认为人生最美好的主旨和人类生活最幸福的结果,无过于学习了。 I think that the best tenet of life and the happiest outcome of human life are nothing more than learning. 2、时间是一笔贷款,即使再守...
1、无论什么时候,不管遇到什么情况,我绝不允许自己有一点点灰心丧气。 No matter what happens at any time, I will never allow myself to be a little frustrated. 2、有毅力的人,能从磐石里挤出水满。...
1、拣回垃圾分类老传统,倡导绿色文明新时尚。 Reclaim the old tradition of garbage sorting and advocate the new fashion of green civilization. 2、保护环境就是保护生产力。 Protecting the environment means prot...
1、你可不可以牵着我的手,就当是我的乞求。你可不可以看着我的眼,就当是我的奢望。 Can you hold my hand as if it were my begging? You can't look me in the eye, it's my luxury. 2、伤感我们的爱在浮动...
1、不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。 Do not ask for harvest, but ask for cultivation! Heaven rewards diligence. 2、背水一战,冲刺中考。 Backwater battle, sprint for the middle school entrance examination. 3、要成功...
1、我注意过,即使是那些声称一切都是命中注定的,而且我们无力改变的人,在过马路前都会左右看。 I've noticed that even those who claim that everything is destined and that we can't change look around...
1、诺言快似骏马,但事实可以追上它。西班牙谚语 Promise quick like a horse, but it can catch up with it。 2、真理是良药,谎言是病毒。阿拉伯 Truth is the best remedy, a lie is virus。 3、大家都不听...