
名人名言 2021-08-28 10:32www.ai-classes.cn名言警句


1、猪鸡羊开始规模化养殖,全部是科学养殖。Pigs,chickens and sheep began to be raised on a large scale,all of which were raised scientifically.

2、这只瘦骨嶙峋的母牛在养殖员的精心照料下正在育肥。The bony cow is fattening under the careful care of its keeper.

3、漂泊的未开化人,或者开阔平原上的居住者,所养殖的同一物种很少有超过一个品种的。Few of the sa species raised by vagrant,uncivilized people,or people living on open plains,have more than one species.——达尔文《物种起源》

4、在一千人里不见得有一个具有准确的眼力和判断力,能成为一个卓越的养殖家。In a thousand people do not necessarily have an aurate vision and judgnt,can bee an outstanding breeder.——达尔文《物种起源》

5、小猪啰啰是一头小白母猪,一个月时由堂姐出钱被房东大娘抱来,给堂姐养殖。The little pig is a little white sow.In one month,her cousin paid her to be brought by the landlady to feed her cousin.

6、以前在养殖家畜的小屋一角睡觉的时候,从来没有像这么安静的夜晚。Never before had a quiet night like this when sleeping in the corner of a small livestock house.——支仓冻砂《狼与香辛料7》

7、农民自家小规模养殖的鸡、鸭,如果在禽流感受威胁区内,应当给鸡鸭注射有效的疫苗。Chickens and ducks raised on a small scale by farrs themselves should be vainated effectively in areas threatened by avian influenza.

8、农民自家小规模养殖的鸡、鸭,应注意禽舍的清洁卫生,定期对禽舍消毒。Chickens and ducks raised on a small scale by farrs themselves should pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of poultry houses and disinfect them regularly.

9、随着养殖宠物的人的增多,宠物的丢失和逃走也多了起来。With the increase of pet owners,more pets are lost and escaped.——森村诚一《恶魔的圈内》

10、牧场里养殖着从世界各地搜集来的猛兽、爬虫、飞鸟、海洋动物。The ranch is ho to beasts,reptiles,birds and marine animals collected from all over the world.——威勒德·普赖斯《哈尔罗杰历险记》

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