价值观英文优选汇总22句 _1

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1. 利用你的知识:Embrace your knowledge and put it to good use.

2. 第三章,是探索规划流程与方法的真正房地产文化策划精髓所在。Chapter III is a plunge into the heart of real estate cultural planning, revealing the processes and methodologies.

3. 获得知识:Gain knowledge, enrich yourself.

4. 知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观,构成了我们学习与成长的三大支柱。Knowledge and skills, process and methods, emotional attitudes and values, together form the trifecta of our learning and growth.

5. 科学知识:Uncover the wonders of scientific knowledge.

6. 我虽拥有必要的知识与技能,但经验尚浅。I possess the necessary knowledge and skills, yet lack the experience.

7. 常识:General knowledge is the foundation of understanding.

8. 众所周知的事:Common knowledge ties us all together.

9. 追求知识,因为我们需要它。Require knowledge, as we depend on it.

10. 拥有知识,就是力量。Have knowledge, and you have power.

11.(扩展部分)Expand your horizons with new knowledge.

12. 有用的知识:Useful knowledge is a tool for success.

13. 为了实现情感态度和价值观的目标,我们需要策略。Strategies for Achieving the Goal of Emotional Attitude and Values are essential.

14. 背景知识:Background knowledge adds depth to our understanding.

15. 不断学习,获取新知。Acquire knowledge, as learning never ends.

16. 与知识相关的词汇搭配,带你探索知识的海洋。Discover the vast sea of knowledge with related word combinations.

17. 先验知识:Priorknowledge provides a solid foundation for new learning.

18. 知识的匮乏是一种探求的呼唤。Lack of knowledge is a call to explore.

19. 展现你的知识,接受挑战。Test your knowledge and embrace the challenge.

20. 知识库:A knowledge base is a treasure trove of information.

21. 拥有渊博的知识,是一种智慧的体现。Vast knowledge is a testament to wisdom.

核心价值观(Core Values)是我们社会群体判断事务、遵循行为准则的基石。它是企业哲学中的主导部分,解决内外矛盾的准则,组织文化的核心。核心价值观是我们在说话行事时所依据的准则和规范。Core values serve as the cornerstone for our society’s judgments and behavioral guidelines. They are the dominant component in corporate philosophy, addressing the principles for handling internal and external conflicts, and at the heart of organizational culture. Core values are the principles we rely on when speaking and acting.

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