
童话故事 2025-02-17 10:15www.ai-classes.cn睡前故事




1. 时光荏苒,怀念爷爷奶奶的笑容与温暖。那曾经的陪伴,如今化作无尽的思念。

2. 雨天的午后,想念天堂的爷爷奶奶,愿他们在那里一切安好。

3. 清明时节,倍思亲,心中的爷爷奶奶,你们在天有灵,可曾感受到我们的思念?


中文: 英文:

1. 爷爷奶奶心间念,孙子孙女绕膝前。 Love of grandparents flows in heart, with grandkids around their feet.

2. 孙子孙女欢乐笑,爷爷奶奶心欢喜。 The laughter of grandkids brings joy to grandparents' hearts.

3. 爷爷奶奶疼爱至,孙子女幸福满溢。 Grandparents' love is deep, filling their grandchildren with happiness.

4. 祖辈关怀如山重,孙子心中永铭记。 The care of grandparents is as heavy as a mountain, forever remembered by their grandchildren.

5. 亲情血脉相连结,爷爷奶奶爱孙无限。 Family ties connect the heart, with love from grandparents to their grandchildren without limit.


1. 爱孙如命,关怀备至。 Love for the grandson is like life itself, full of care and attention.

2. 孙子快乐,爷爷奶奶心安。 The happiness of the grandson brings peace to the hearts of his grandparents.

3. 祖辈之爱,绵绵不绝。 The love from grandparents flows steadily and unendingly.

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